
The Repatriation of Competencies After Brexit: Justice and Home Affairs

Reports & Briefings
Stephen Tierney

This paper addresses Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) in the context of Brexit. Its particular point of focus is the repatriation of competences and the powers of the devolved administrations.

A workshop on Justice and Home Affairs in devolved context was held at the University of Edinburgh on Friday 15 June 2018, at which these issues were explored by a range of stakeholders from the civil service, the solicitors’ profession, the bar and the academy. This paper reflects the deliberations of participants in the workshop while not attributing any views to any of the participants.

The paper forms part of the research project ‘The Repatriation of Competences: Implications for Devolution’, funded under the ESRC UK in a Changing Europe initiative (ES/R001308/1).

JHA Repatriation_november18.pdf (330.04 KB, application/pdf)