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CCC colleagues appearing at the Scottish Parliament Festival of Politics


Centre on Constitutional Change Co-Director Meryl Kenny and Fellows Nicola McEwen and Michael Keating are taking part in this year’s Festival of Politics, three days of debate in August about the issues that matter most to people in Scotland.

The festival will cover issues including the state of the UK union, the cost-of-living crisis, climate, migration and equality. 

The CCC Fellows featuring are below, with links to their events:

  • Elect Her
    With CCC Co-Director Dr Meryl Kenny
    Friday 12 August, 2.30pm - 4pm
    ‘What makes a woman step up to become a political agent for change? And what kind of support, inspiration and motivation can they expect from their local community to national political platforms?’
  • The State of the UK Union
    With CCC Fellows Professor Nicola McEwen and Professor Michael Keating

    Saturday 13 August, 6pm - 7.30pm
    ‘What is the state of the UK union, and would further devolution proposals help the union modify and survive?’

Visit the Festival of Politics website to find out more and book your place.

Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash