News and opinion

From twitter to town halls

James Mitchell looks at how the referendum has captured the attention of voters on social media and at public events across the country, asking whether this might indicate an increase in civic engagement beyond the referendum.

Book review: My Scotland, Our Britain. A Future Worth Sharing. Gordon Brown

Michael Keating reviews Gordon Brown's latest book; My Scotland, Our Britain.

Should Scotland vote for what is best for Scotland?

Kieran Oberman looks at how the referendum will have an impact on people beyond Scotland’s borders.

Better Together, whatever happens? Public reactions to post-‘No’ scenarios

Rob Johns from the University of Essex analyses a British Election Study Internet Panel survey experiment which examined reactions to various post-‘No’ scenarios.

Class divisions and the Scottish Referendum

Jon Mellon, British Election Study, looks at how voters’ own economic situations affect their preferences for independence.

Devolution promises could be game-changer, finds BES

Devolution deficit: how the promise of further devolution can shape the debate

As the Scottish referendum campaign moves into the final three months the pro Union parties have emphasised their commitment to more devolution should Scotland choose to remain in the Union.